Ancestors in American and Japanese Cultures: A Comparative Study of Societal Influence
Ancestors in American and Japanese Cultures: This paper examines how cultural anthropology shapes the role of ancestors in American and Japanese societies. Through a comprehensive literature review, the paper explores the historical, social, and cultural factors that influence the treatment…
Fieldwork Methods
Cultural anthropology is a subfield of anthropology that focuses on the study of human cultures and societies. Fieldwork is an essential component of cultural anthropology, as it allows anthropologists to immerse themselves in the culture they are studying and to…
Experiential Fieldwork in Cultural Anthropology
Experiential Fieldwork Anthropologists do research in many ways, but there is a very large dependency throughout the field of Anthropology on experiential fieldwork. This fieldwork is referred to as ethnographic fieldwork. Ethnographic fieldwork is carried out by cultural anthropologists among living peoples in other societies…
Culture vs Civilization
Culture vs Civilization In anthropology, a civilization is specific type of culture. In anthropological terms, civilization is a culture that has developed cities.
Culture is Integrated
Cultures are Integrated Cultures are viewed as a system. Many of the facets of a culture are related and interrelated. If any of the facets of a culture change, anthropologists can see or even predict changes in other facets of…
Cultural Universals
Cultural Universals According to George Murdock, cultural universals are learned behavior patterns that are shared by all of humanity collectively. No matter where people live in the world, they share these universal traits. age-grading athletic sports bodily adornment calendar cleanliness…
Culture Changes Over Time
Culture Change Cultures constantly change due to several factors. These factors can be internal or external forces that influences a given culture. Internal factors can be invention or innovation. An external factor is cultural diffusion, or the spreading of a…
Culture Affects Biology and the Physical Appearance
Culture and Biology The way we look or perceive how others look is bound to one’s own culture. What one eats, what one likes to eat, how much one eats, and what flavors appeal to a person are largely defined…
Culture and Subculture
Culture and Subculture If a culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (Tylor 1958 [1871]: 1), then a subculture is a…
The Importance of Enculturation
The Importance of Enculturation Enculturation occurs immediately after birth and continues throughout our lives. Enculturation is defined by Ferraro and Andreatta as the process by which human infants learn their culture. Cultures function to help people adapt to their environments and consequently…